Certified Fluid Dynamics Instructors who have met and exceeded the number of training hours of studying with us are listed below. A lot of people have attempted to copy our techniques, but are neither trained nor Certified to do so. Instructors listed below have demonstrated proficiency in teaching Fluid Dynamics and contribute to both research and development of training technique daily. If someone claims to be a Certified Instructor but is not listed below, they are simply not one of us.
Instructors who are currently studying with us working towards their certification are listed below:
Julie Roy – Maine
Lauren Morastad – Wisconsin
Logan Hebert – Texas
Krissy Govertson – Oregon
Penny Roberts – New York
McKenzi Ferguson – Tennessee
Miranda Abrahams McLeod – Oregon
DISCLOSURE: Each instructor is an independent agent. Tincher Pitching Certification indicates that they have completed a very thorough training program with us, and have achieved the necessary criteria to assure that they are competent in every aspect of our form. That is the limit of our association. As independent agents each instructor is responsible for his or her own actions. They do not work for our company and we cannot be liable for any injury or other risk that may occur through your working with them.