Stephanie Elliot Beane won the genetic lottery when it came to being a softball pitcher. By age 11, she was 5’6” tall and throwing 60mph. The growth continued and by the time she was a sophomore in high school top college programs across the country were noticing her. She eventually opted for Northwestern University, where the future looked bright, especially given her success with top travel teams like the California Waves 18U Gold and later the OC Batbusters, plus numerous awards along the way.
As a freshman at Northwestern, things looked great when she reached 70mph, but the onset of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome changed everything and she had to walk away from the sport she loved. It fueled a passion in Stephanie to learn more, to help other pitchers develop, and search for ways to keep them injury free. That research led her to a special organization, Tincher Pitching.
Here is what Stephanie has to say about this unique group. “I found Tincher 1.5 years into giving lessons. I went looking for answers after a pitcher I was working developed a PARS stress fracture, which is sadly an injury on the rise. I could tell they were doing something different and more efficient. Fast forward 4 years, and my family and I were leaving IL for CA. I had a number of athletes who needed a new instructor, but I did not trust anyone else in the area to guide them, so I contacted Denny. I asked if I could observe Jonathan Hon, and I was invited to watch a clinic. Immediately I had questions, and had to try the motion for myself. It was so smooth and pain-free! I could pitch this style without flaring my TOS! I left that day, no longer wanting to teach the way I had before. I asked questions, challenged answers, and continued to watch and learn and to have my mind-blown.
It is an incredible opportunity to be with such a passionate group of individuals, all with their own specialties, who are focused on bettering the future of female softball pitchers. Where else can you find this many instructors, all teaching the same thing, and backing it with science?”
This is what Denny says about Stephanie. “She is analytical, skeptical, intuitive, and you cannot fool this person. She wants proof, she wants to feel it for herself, and she is constantly in search of better ways to help kids. She was so tough on me at first that I was not sure that we would get along well. Today, I am a Stephanie Beane fan. She challenges me and makes me constantly examine myself and this group to be sure we are doing the best job possible.”