Denise Walters

Texoma, Texas

Denise Walters is a Doctor of Physical Therapy specializing in Neurologic rehabilitation and has been practicing for 10 years. She is a Board Certified Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy as well as a Certified Stroke Rehabilitation Specialist. Denise grew up playing softball from a young age. She played every position, eventually settling as a middle infielder though high school as a freshman varsity starter and in select ball. In addition to softball, she played volleyball at a high level earning co-MVP honors, forgoing collegiate aspirations in Missouri to focus on studies for her future career.


Denise has been coaching softball at a high level for over 10 years and has been giving lessons for all aspects of softball for 5 years. She is able to put her movement analysis and hands-on skills to use through all of her lessons with great knowledge of injury prevention and rehabilitation.


Why did Denise choose Tincher Pitching?  She says, “When researching and evaluating the pitching programs available, there has always been something that didn’t quite make sense. When looking through all of the fastpitch pages and forums, Tincher Pitching was consistently suggested for those looking for sound mechanics or rehabilitating from an injury. Looking at videos of Tincher pitchers, everything looks smooth, loose, incredibly fluid and biomechanically sound. The program has produced many top level pitchers as a result. As a doctor of physical therapy, this is why I have chosen Tincher Pitching.”


Denise went on to say, “Tincher Pitching has been able to put the puzzle pieces together in regard to pitching. I have seen greater gains in consistency and speed than through any other teaching method.”


Here is what Denny says about Denise.  “From the first time that we talked, I felt like I was in school.  Denise is so knowledgeable about human movement, and she can bring those ideas forward in very practical ways that help pitchers.  We are going to benefit so much from being around her.  I always wanted to surround myself with people smarter than me.  Denise is one of those.”


Area Served:

Located north of Dallas, Texas in Grayson County, currently serving the Texoma region.

