Detail Matters

Three different students, three very different movements to start their takeoff.  There are very subtle differences and you may not identify them immediately. What is the point?

Every student will be very individual.  If she has too much hip mobility, we need to work within certain parameters.  If her hips allow her to be very stable, let’s use a very different approach.  If she has “flat feet” we help her in special ways, just as we individualize approaches for kids with scapular dysfunction.

That is why we are very reluctant to post drills online.  What is good for one student can be very harmful to another.  It takes a long time to get past the superficial stage.  There are antiquated terms out there like “opening late” or “opening early”.  Those are totally a result of movements in a different part of the body.  The concept of “using her legs better” is one of the most misunderstood and misguided concepts in the game, but if you do not know why, I was in that boat a few years ago.  You can also injure her quickly with well-meaning, but misguided concepts.

The more we learn, the more we learn that we need to learn more.  The journey never ends.  The minute I feel that we know it all, it is time to find a new career. 

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